The report is not too detailed this time
As just for some fun, I've done it in rhyme.
Sue and Geoff and seventeen more
Gathered at Eling to walk by the shore.
Before that though, we thought we “aughta”
Stroll inland by Bartley Water.
The first good sighting of this tranche
Was a Kingfisher poised upon a branch.
Mallard and Mute Swan were closer to see
Blue tits aplenty were up in the tree.
Bird life was quiet but fungi were good,
Funnel-cap (common) were seen on the ground
Jelly Ear was the best of the others we found.
Out past the reedbed, over the boardwalk,
We stopped in the graveyard for biscuits and talk.
Next on the field trip, within easy reach
We went up to the churchyard and down to the beach.
It didn't take long to look fore and aft
And see numerous Wigeon bobbing in raft.
We saw Great-crested Grebe, Curlew and Coot
With, Oystercatcher, Jackdaw
and Turnstone to boot
Cormorant, egret, godwit, Teal,
Were others we spotted before back
we went.
Both in the churchyard and our
return way
We were treated to views of
colourful Jay
And on reaching the car park,
ready to go