Walk report: 21 July 2022 Culverley with Robert and Glynis Payne

Horsefly habitat © Richard Smith

We convened in Culverley car park, near Beaulieu, on a cooler day compared to recent extremes.

Setting off down a bank we paused a while on a little bridge over a quiet stream, admiring the flashes of fluttering colour from the Holly Blue, Gatekeeper and Beautiful Demoiselle damselflies.

Holly Blue © Sue Skarstein
A path through the trees revealed glimpses of Spotted Flycatcher, Chaffinch Song Thrush and a immature Blackcap with the calling of distant Stock Dove heard. We also identified Common Cow-wheat, Wood Sorrel and Purple Loosestrife.

Blackcap - immature © Chris Robinson

Passing through open areas we saw Mistle Thrush and, circumventing cattle sheltering in an oasis of shade, made our way into Tantany Wood, finding Redstart, Long-tailed Tit, Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Wren and several sightings again of Spotted Flycatchers.

Woodland Grasshopper © Andy Skarstein
Speckled Wood butterfly greeted us with their spiralling dances as we picked our way among the old Oaks, Beeches and many fallen trees, breaking out finally into more open areas of Bracken, heather and cottongrass of Halfpenny Green.

Silver-studded Blue - female © Chris Robinson

We found Dwarf Gorse and Coral Necklace and Round-leaved Sundew where once it would have been wetter, a couple of Common and Silver-studded Blue butterflies and a Dark Giant Horsefly.

Dwarf Gorse with Ling © Chris Robinson
Coral Necklace © Richard Smith
Dark Giant Horsefly © Andy Skarstein
On nearing the car park we came across the charred remains of a fire which, thankfully, had not caused the catastrophic destruction of all the beauty that we had just walked through. R&GP


Our route
© Crown copyright 2022 Ordnance Survey. Media 005/22.
The licence is valid until 31 December 2022.

75th Anniversary tea party 23 June 2022

With the relaxation of Covid rules we were a year late celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the founding of Lymington & District Naturalists' Society with an afternoon tea at South Lawn Hotel, Milford-on-Sea.  

After a welcome introduction from Robert Payne, our Chairman, we were treated to a superb digital photographic presentation by Steve Laycock, which in turn was followed by an excellent tea!

Robert welcomes members and guests © Tina Vaughan

and Steve begins his presentation © Tina Vaughan

Somewhat better than the biscuits on our Thursday morning walks © Tina Vaughan

Afterwards a group photograph taking by Steve and subsequently published in the Lymington Times.

and finally, the group photo © Steve Laycock

Thanks to Glynis Payne and Sue Skarstein for their organisation, to Steve for his presentation and to South Lawn for an excellent tea. Over the last 75 years our members have made LymNats a special society and without them this celebration would never have occurred!

Walk report: 07 July 2022 Isle of Wight led by Richard Smith

 On a cool, overcast morning, ten of us gathered for the morning sailing from Lymington to Yarmouth. As we departed, we spotted large numbers of Canada Geese on the Lymington marshes, with a single Barnacle Goose amongst them. Shelduck, and most gull species were seen at the low tide mark along with Common and Little Tern flying past as we crossed the Solent. 

Cinnabar caterpillars on Common Ragwort © Chris Robinson

Near Yarmouth, we watched a pair of Rooks digging for grubs on the verge by the terminal. As we approached the railway track the botanists amongst us identified Bristly Ox-tongue, Common Orache, Prickly Lettuce, Marsh and Common Mallow, Fennel, Common Sea-lavender as well as Creeping, Marsh and Spear Thistles. Cinnabar moth caterpillars were feeding on a Common Ragwort plant, but not on the any others we passed on the walk. We paused to look over the reed bed next to Mill Copse and heard a Reed Warbler as a Swift flew overhead. Alongside the railway track Brambles were in flower but only a few Gatekeeper were about in the cooler part of the day.

Mating Gatekeepers © Chris Robinson

 Further along towards the Causeway we had good views of a Marsh Harrier, a few Curlew, Grey Heron, Mediterranean Gull and Redshank fed at the edge of the estuary. Wren and Chiffchaff were heard amongst the scrub and a Skylark flew overhead. Beside the track, Meadwsweet, Wild Madder, Hemp Agrimony, Wild Carrot and Red Currant were seen. At the causeway bridge crossing the Yar, Mute Swan, numerous Coot and a single Greylag Goose had gathered.

Greylag Goose © Chris Robinson

Redshank and Curlew © Richard Smith

We elected for an early lunch stop at the End of the Line Cafe, sat outside in the sun, and as the day warmed, saw more butterfly amongst the grasses and wild flowers around the perimeter; Meadow Brown, Marbled White, and Small Skipper all appeared. 

Small Skipper © Chris Robinson

Marbled White © Chris Robinson

After lunch, a brief foray around the Afton Marsh Reserve gave views of a Jay, and Moorhen and Mallard ducklings paddled in the stream running around the reserve.

Jay © Chris Robinson

Returning through the churchyard at Freshwater and across the fields beyond Kings Manor Farm, the sun came out and as the day got even hotter, large numbers of butterfly were seen with Gatekeeper, Painted Lady, Common Blue and Peacock all added to our list. Passing through Saltern Wood, an active and noisy colony of wild Honey Bees were seen in a tree close beside the path and observed from a respectful distance.

Wild Honey Bees © Chris Robinson

A brisk final walk across the swing bridge allowed us to catch the planned afternoon sailing and it was good to end a warm day sitting in the sea breeze to cool off as we sailed back home after a total walk distance of about 5.5 miles. RS

Our route
© Crown copyright 2022 Ordnance Survey. Media 005/22.
The licence is valid until 31 December 2022.