Following our field meeting, Duncan and Richard returned to Martin Down a week later on an overcast day. They found that the numbers of Greater Butterfly Orchids had increased and Marsh Fritillaries and Adonis Blues were on the wing.
A week later, on another dull and rather damp day, Richard went back again and counted over 80 Great Butterfly Orchid flower spikes along Bokerley Bank. Chalk Fragrant Orchids were scattered along the Bank, where Common Spotted Orchids were just coming out. Hawthorn and Cowslip flowers were over, but Horseshoe Vetch, the food plant for Adonis Blue, formed large yellow patches.
At this time of the year Martin Down is well worth a visit!
A stunning micro moth - Alabonia geoffrella |
Adonis Blue - male |
Marsh Fritillary | | | |
Fragrant Orchid |
Horseshoe Vetch |
photographs © Richard Coomber