Bloody-nosed Beetles mating (CR) |
Fourteen of us made
the trek across to Martin Down for a springtime walk on the chalk grasslands
and amongst the scrub. It was a glorious day with a fresh breeze. We saw the
first of several Yellowhammers as we gathered at the Sillen Lane Car Park. As
we set off Chris found a mating pair of Bloody-nosed Beetles, which became the
first of many subjects for those with cameras.
Yellowhammer - male (RC) |
Martin Down probably
the most reliable place in Hampshire to see the declining Turtle Dove, a
species that has suffered from hunting in the Mediterranean region on migration
and from the effects of intensive agriculture in Europe during the breeding
season. It wasn’t long before we heard the first of three ‘purring’ males. Some
of the party had great views of one through Chris’s telescope while the rest
saw another song-flighting over a different area of bushes and trees.
Field Fleawort (CR) |
During the steady
climb up to Bokerley Bank a number of interesting plants were found including
Horseshoe and Kidney Vetches, Early Purple and Chalk Fragrant Orchids and
masses of Cowslips. Before long the first of several Dingy Skippers were
encountered. On top of the bank we had a late biscuit round which evolved into
picnic time! Nearby were more Early Purple Orchids, but unfortunately the
Greater Butterfly Orchids were still in bud.
Freshly laid Brimstone egg (CR) |
The bank and the
surrounding area produced other floral goodies with Pasqueflower, Field
Fleawort and Burnt Orchid being the highlights and with the warmth of the day
more and more butterflies appeared bringing the day total to 11 species.
Several female Brimstones were seen egg-laying and their tiny lime-green eggs
Greater Butterfly Orchid in bud (DW) |
Burnt Orchids (RC) |
Star of Bethlehem (CR) |
Grizzled Skipper (RC) |
We strolled leisurely back to the cars to the
sound of singing Skylarks and a ‘cuckoo-ing’ Cuckoo, but it was a singing male
Corn Bunting that was the afternoon’s avian highlight and a clump of Star of
Bethlehem flowers the floral one.
Thanks to Chris Robinson, Duncan Wright and Richard Coomber for the use of their images. Copyright remains with the photographers.