Heath Spotted Orchid
© Mary Mawdsley
20 members set off
from King’s Hat car park on a cool summer morning. We crossed the road into
King’s Hat inclosure, where a number of birds were identified by their song,
principally Blackcap. Chiffchaff, Goldcrest and Robin. Coming out of the
enclosure onto the heathland at Dibden Bottom, we noted the Heath Moth and Small
Heath butterfly, the very alert spotted a resting immature damselfly.
Also Cross-leaved Heath and Bell Heather, Creeping Cinquefoil, Heath Bedstraw,
and the clumps of a beautiful Heath Spotted Orchid were on view. Further along Willow
Warbler was heard. Round- and Oblong-leaved Sundew were still in bud, but a
late Lady’s Smock was still in bloom.
recrossing the road towards Beaulieu River we saw a Stock Dove, Song Thrush and
Skylark. Chaffinch and Wren were heard. By the river were flowering Lesser Spearwort,
and Common Cow-wheat. A Curlew and Green Woodpecker were calling. The large
yellow bracket fungus on an oak was Chicken-of-the-Woods.
© Mary Mawdsley
On walking up towards Buck Hill we saw Greenfinches, Linnet, Siskin, and
Dartford Warbler and a Grey Heron flew over. Also noted were Common Birdsfoot Trefoil,
Heath Speedwell, Marsh Pennywort, Mouse-eared Hawkweed, Bog Asphodel, Lousewort and Eyebright.
Brian went off track to see the monument to Samuel Carter, who died riding with
hounds in January 1883. When he rejoined the tail of our party they were
treated to the sight of a Hobby sweeping over the heath.
Samuel Carter's Memorial
© Richard Coomber
By Starpole Pond were Swallow, Blue Tit and Carrion Crow.
We then crossed the Beaulieu River again and returned to the car park, having
completed a 4 mile walk.