A group of 16 naturalists set off on a cool, windy morning from Holmsley car park. Our first sighting were around 8 Swallows, gathering on the overhead wires. We walked on, along Holmsley Ridge, however very few birds were visible due to the windy conditions. When we arrived at an area of shallow disused gravel pits, a Snipe and Kingfisher flew away as we approached. We noted sundew and the end of the water lilies on the pond.
We then proceeded downhill to Whitten Pond. We saw different fungi en route, also Tormentil , hawkweed and a Kestrel.
Birch Maze-gill |
Fly Agaric |
On reaching the end of the track, a very active Honey Bees' nest was seen in the eaves of a house, and a solitary Red Admiral flew over the meadow.
(all pictures © Mary Mawdsley)