Walk report: 04 May 2023 Wilverley Plain with John Enfield

Crossing Wilverly Plain lawn towards Duckhole Bog, we saw Skylarks, Stonechat, Heath-dog Violet and Common Violet.  Following the path along the stream, running between the bog and an area of nesting birds, the group flower expert was able to identify Lousewort, Common Milkwort, Tormentil, Round-leaved Sundew, Cotton Grass and Germander Speedwell. Pond skaters and Tadpoles were seen in the water and it was there that Maureen found a fine .Minator Beetle. Birds in the area included Linnets, Swallow, Meadow Pipit and yet more Skylarks.  

Lousewort © Marion Slattery

Round-leaved Sundew © Marion Slattery


Leaving the stream, the path passed through an area extensively flanked by what was identifed as possibly to be Wood Anemones and identified by an App as such, but found between heather and developing bracken and no trees? Towards the small clump of trees on Holm Hill (extent unchanged from that shown on 1786 Drivers' map), a speedwell sp and Bilberry (Whortleberry) were found.

A Chiffchaff and Chaffinch called us to stop amongst some Holly trees which had grown substantially from when they were last copsed. One of the Scots Pines hosted a bees’ nest.  Whilst there, a Swift and Red Kite were seen. We then returned along the ancient track back to the car park.