After a short walk to the improved path leading to
Aldridge Hill Inclosure, the group came to a sudden halt, for to the right of
the path a ditch and area of moist ground hosted many flower species.
Fortunately the walk had some members with impressive plant knowledge and
others equipped with fieldguides. As a result we all benefited from their
knowledge and appreciated what we were looking at. Lacking necessary lenses for
close examination meant that identification could not be guaranteed for every species.
Fallow Deer © Chris Robinson
A long time was spent looking at and hearing about
Birdsfoot Trefoil, Common Milkwort, Water Forgetmenot, Cuckooflower, Lousewort, Lesser
Spearwort, Creeping Willow, Marsh St John's Wort, Meadow Thistle,
Tormentil, Heath Speedwell, Common Cotton-grass and a species of eyebright,
the latter being one of several very similar species. All this before even
reaching the Inclosure.  |
Heath Speedwell © Chris Robinson |
Common Cow-wheat © Richard Smith
At the same time a family of Stonechats, a Mistle
Thrush and Chaffinch were observed. After crossing the Ober Water within the
Inclosure a Nuthatch was seen and a Blackcap was heard. We looked at a dead
Beech tree that was playing host to some very hard and minute bracket fungus
and in addition the trunk was also riddled with small holes. Could one
speculate it was the work of one of the Saproxylic beetles? |
Stonechat - male © Chris Robinson |
On leaving the Inclosure we saw House Martins, a
fast low flying Peregrine, Swallows and a distant Raven was heard and seen. With
so much to look at we had taken well over an hour to reach Fletchers Thorns. As
we had barely covered a third of the planned walk we decided to have our coffee
stop before retracing our steps. However, armed with a map some of the group
had the time to complete the intended route.
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Petty Whin - flower in close-up © Andy & Sue Skarstein
Meanwhile, on our return to the car park we saw
Petty Whin, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, the orange-red of a Russula
fungus, a charm of Goldfinches and a Skylark descending behind some scrub. In
the semi-shade of a bridge Bugle was in flower and along the way Germander
Speedwell. JE
Song Thrush © Richard Smith |
on after our coffee break a smaller group of us walked across Poundhill Heath,
where we heard and saw Raven and Meadow Pipit. We noted several fallen trees
along the boundary line of the Inclosure and distantly, several large Silver
Birch with heads blown out; presumably earlier storm-damage. Amongst the
heather was more Petty Whin and in a damper area a large patch of Oblong-leaved
Sundew. A Red Poplar Leaf Beetle Chrysomela populi was found amongst the heather, in almost
the same location as a previous walk in May 2021.
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Sundew © Andy & Sue Skarstein
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Red Poplar Leaf Beetle © Andy & Sue Skarstein
down the track opposite New Park Farm, we paused to listen to the birdsong from
this wooded area, recognising Blackcap, Stock Dove, Song Thrush and Blackbird.
As we approached Bolderford Bridge we noticed groups of Chicken-of-the-Wood
fungus growing up the trunk of a dead hardwood tree and a Goldcrest was seen
briefly as it hunted for food amongst the Ivy and leaf cover. |
Chicken-in-the-Wood © Richard Smith |
to the car park we noticed the iron dome of an old hydraulic ram pump in its
brick housing, sited quite near to the bridge but often overlooked. RS
Our route © Crown copyright 2022 Ordnance Survey. Media 005/22. The licence is valid until 31 December 2022. |