Your seal sightings

How often do you see a seal at Keyhaven, off the seawall or along at Needs Ore or anywhere else along the Solent? Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust is collecting all the records of Common and Grey Seals as well as any other marine mammals. Please pass your sightings on to them.

Walk report: 05 January 2020 Keyhaven to Sturt Pond

Fourteen of us met up for the first Lym Nats walk of the decade. Beneath grey skies with little or no wind we set off from the sluice at Keyhaven to the seawall and westwards to Cut Bridge, where we followed the stream up to Sturt Pond. From the MCV hide we scanned the pond and adjacent marshes. The driving drizzle that passed through from time to time did little to dampen our spirits.

Reed Bunting
© Chris Robinson

The tide was falling and on the mud beyond the seawall feeding Curlew, Dunlin, Grey Plover, Redshank, Teal and Wigeon were noted, but there was little really out of the ordinary, unless one counts the flowering Herb Robert and Wild Carrot left over from last summer!

We enjoyed some good comparisons especially between Mediterranean and Black-headed Gulls at Sturt Pond, and also the differences between adult and juvenile Brent Geese in both the fields near Cut Bridge and from the hide at Sturt Pond. As we returned a Peregrine was perched out on the saltings offering views through the ’scopes. Back at Keyhaven a Greenshank fed on the Avon Flood and then as we reached the cars some saw a fly-by Kingfisher. RC

Mediterranean Gulls (centre)
with Black-headed Gulls
© Chris Robinson
Brent Geese - adult and 
© Chris Robinson

A Hants Wildlife Trust (HIWWT) Walk 15 March 2020 Normandy and Oxey Marshes

Our Brian will be leading a walk for HIWWT on Sunday 15 March from 10.00 - 15.00 entitled "Bird Walk at Normandy and Oxey Marshes". Full details can be found on the Trust's website under "Events" - you need to click on the picture of the Brent Goose to get the details or click link below:

Donations from participants to HIWWT invited.

Annual Volunteer Fair 26 January 2020 Lyndhurst

Walk report: 02 January 2019 High Corner

© Richard Smith
On a very grey cloudy morning 17 of us set out to walk down to the High Corner Inn. From the car park there are excellent views to the west across the forest and beyond. The way to the Inn leads along the edge of the broad-leaved woodland of High Corner wood.  Polypody  was seen on Oak as well as Hard- fern in the ditches. Butcher’s Broom had both berries and some withered flowers.

The area past the Inn opens out to a sandy green and a large flock of Redwing were seen feeding on the ground where the bracken had been cut, the Holly had been stripped of berries. There were good sightings of Nuthatch and Tree Creeper, and the sandy area was well dug by Rabbits.
Badger sett
© Glynis Payne
Cladonia © Glynis Payne

Turning to walk uphill around Amberslade Bottom, we came across the bright yellow mass of jelly-like fungus of Yellow Brain which was on a small fallen branch of Oak. Then continuing on over a stream a Badger set was seen.

At the top of the hill near Broomy Lodge the track turns to lead across Broomy Plain. Along the edge of the track amongst the heather there were several patches of Cladonia portentosa, a lichen which is very fine and wire like, together with patches of Cladonia uncialis. The path here crosses the plain and is quite exposed with views all the way back to the car park, luckily for us it was not too windy. PP

Birds:- Mallard, Sparrowhawk, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Coal Tit, Nuthatch, Redwing, Chaffinch, Treecreeper, Wood Pigeon, Carrion Crow.  Blackbird, Robin, Meadow Pipit (heard), Stonechat (heard).

Fungi:- Turkeytail (Trametes versicolor), Birch Polypore (Piptoporus betulinus), Yellow Brain (Tremella mesenterica).

Lichen:- Flavoparmelia caperata ,  Oak Moss (Evernia prunastri), Cladonia portentosa, Cladonia uncialis.