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Heath Spotted Orchid
© Chris Robinson |
On a mild cloudy morning
26 of us entered Norley Inclosure. This very pleasant wood has undergone some
selective conifer thinning recently, with many wood stacks consisting mainly of
Douglas Fir. As the sun came out Speckled Wood butterflies were fluttering
together protecting their territories
and a female Beautiful Demoiselle was seen. Along the
track verges Enchanter’s nightshade,
Nipplewort and Foxgloves were growing.
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Grey-spotted Amanita
© Duncan Wright |
We turned left at the
pound. This area is always wet, and was very muddy due to the recent rain. Here
our group split into those prepared to skirt the pound and risk the mud, and
those prepared to try and get through the pound, both of which caused some
merriment. The path which goes along an old drove is slightly raised at this
point with wet areas either side. Here
species seen were Marsh Penny-wort, Lesser Spearwort, Pale Persicaria,
Marsh Cud-weed, Toad Rush and Marsh St John’s-wort, also a Common Frog, Hornet
and Red Admiral were spotted. Walking on a puzzling bird call was heard, and
then unexpectedly a Helmeted Guineafowl was found.
As the path opened out to the heath, Wood Ants from a nearby nest were
trying to move what looked like a dead young Slow Worm. Several times we came
across the fungi Grey-spotted Amanita.
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Meadow Thistle
© Chris Robinson |
From the heath we walked
down to Crockford stream. Flowers seen were Heath Bedstraw, Tormentil, Heath
Speedwell, Saw-wort, Meadow Thistle, Yellow Pimpernel, Bell Heather, Spotted
Heath Orchid and Lesser Water Plantain was found in a damp shaded area, also
Common Cow-wheat bordering the wood. At the stream we stopped for biscuits and
had a chance to identify more flowers. There were both Water and Creeping
Forget-me-nots, Marsh and Meadow Thistles, Water-cress, Water Crowfoot sp, Burnet Rose and Bog-myrtle.
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Lacewing on Gorse
© Glynis Payne |
Then retracing our
steps we turned right following the edge
of the wood overlooking Lower Crockford Bottom and eventually re-entered Norley
Inclosure. Here a Green Lacewing was seen and photographed. The different
species of some of the Green Lacewings can be difficult to identify, and even
from the photograph species identification was not possible. Some members at
the rear of our group were lucky enough to see a Common Lizard before returning
to the car park.
Not many birds were
spotted on this walk, Blackbird, Chaffinch, Robin, Woodpigeon, Goldfinch and
Green Woodpecker were seen and Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Jay, Coal Tit, Wren,
Nuthatch, Siskin, Song Thrush, and Willow Warbler were heard. Other plants seen
were Round-leaved Sundew, Oblong-leaved Sundew, Bog Asphodel, Cross-leaved
Heath, Sheep’s Sorrel, Lousewort, a Bog Stitchwort and Hard Fern. The only
other fungi was Chanterelle. PP
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Common Lizard
© Richard Smith |