Sessile and English Oak leaves (RC) |
Bracken Map (RC) |
Nineteen members joined Angela at Lucy Hill. After a damp
start the weather improved and we set out to work out the difference between Quercus robur and Quercus petraea, both of which grow on Lucy Hill. Quercus robur is the English Oak, with
sessile (stalkless) leaves and acorns on long stalks, while Q. petraea has leaves with stalks and
sessile acorns. Later our oak workshop included another oak, the Turkey Oak Q serris which has acorns in woolly cups
and long leaves with wavy edges.
The long dry spell meant that there were not many fungi but a large
Green Elfcup (RC) |
number of
False Chanterelle Hygrophoropsis
aurantiaca had appeared overnight. These look similar to the real Chanterelle
but grow under pine and are not considered edible. Other fungi seen were
several species of Russula, Lactarius
deterrimus, and Amanita citrina.
Stems of bracken revealed Bracken Map Rhapographus
filicinus which appears as black marks on the stems. We were delighted to
find Green Elfcup Chlorosplenium
aeruginescens with fruiting bodies.
Porcelain Fungus (CR) |
On Mill Lawn, near the brook, we found Pillwort, a tiny fern with blades like
grass but these are actually fronds which unroll in spring like ferns. This is
a speciality of the Forest which is able to grow in damp, heavily grazed areas
because of lack of competition from other plants. In the stream we found Branched Bur-
reed, Water Mint, Common Water Plantain and the native Fringed Water Lily. Birds seen included Meadow
Pipit, Grey Heron, Pied Wagtail and Sparrowhawk.
Pillwort (CR) |
Photos: copyright Chris Robinson and Richard Coomber