Walk Report: 22 December 2022 - Lepe Country Park with Chris Robinson and Diane Potter

A very unpromising weather forecast of high winds and heavy showers was not enough to stop a LymNats walk at Lepe Country Park! We are made of sterner stuff than that, so there!

We set off from the lower car park to walk along the beach but it was high tide so we had to walk along the top path towards the WW2 D-day remains.

Phlebia tremellosa Jelly Rot © Glynis Payve

We were greeted at the top of the path to a Kestrel hovering and then perching in a pine tree. As we walked along there was a splendid array of fungi on one of the fallen Beech trees.

Kestrel © Chris Robinson

When we reached the ponds there were several Redshanks, Brent Geese, Shovelers and Dunlins. The Cormorants were on their regular posts just offshore.

Cormorant © Glynis Payne

Cormorant © Glynis Payne
Yellow Horned-poppy (left) and Sea Beet (right) © Glynis Payne

By now the tide had receded enough for us to walk back along the beach. Here we found quite a few ‘Mermaid’s purses’ along the strand line. The ones we found are the egg cases of Small-spotted catsharks (aka Dogfish). We also found Whelk eggs and Cuttlefish bones.

Small-spotted Cat-shark egg cased (Mermaid's Purses) © Maureen Fidkin

All along the walk back we were accompanied by Turnstones paddling amongst the seaweed at the water’s edge.


Turnstone © Chris Robinson

We got a bit wet, but the rain had eased by the time we got to the car park so we walked on to look over the marshy area, Dark Water, where we saw lots of Teal, Wigeon, two Mute Swans and a Little Egret. CR and DP

Walk report: 08 December 2022 Clay Hill with John Enfield

 It was a very quiet start to the walk through the mixed conifer and broadleaf wood of Park Ground Inclosure. Although bright and sunny, this perhaps due to the cold. 

Gymnopilus junonius © Chris Robinson

Working our way to Parkhill Lawn through an area of wooded pasture, after an initial excitement of Robins, life picked up. Once there we had the mid walk break.  There we saw song and Mistle Thrushes, a small flock of Redwings, some Pied Wagtails, a female Siskin near some Scots Pines, a Chaffinch and Great Tits. Nearby was a small bush of Butcher’s Broom.

Redwings © Richard Coomber

Turning back over partially frozen ground which had hardened the waterlogged areas we entered an area of mainly beech wood where we came across some fungi. A keen eye spotted some Amethyst Deceivers buried in the fallen leaves, a fungi belonging to the Russula family, a ring of beautiful Vermillion Waxcaps and some Birch Polypores.

Amethyst Deceiver © Richard Smith

Vermilion Waxcap © Richard Smith

A Fallow buck and four does briefly passed by. Within this part of the wood were a number what look like man made depressions now flooded.  There was speculation as to why and the possiblity of extraction of marl for agricultural purposes or clay for bricks.The mysteries of what went on in bygone days. Richard S has since found evidence of drainage ditches in the area.

Polypody © Chris Robinson

Returning between Park Ground and Parkhill Inclosures more Redwings and thrushes were spotted in the open areas that we passed through. JE

© Crown copyright 2022 Ordnance Survey. Media 005/22.
The licence is valid until 31 December 2022

St. Thomas' Christmas Tree Festival 02 - 06 December 2022

Lym Nats, along with other local organisations and businesses, have a Christmas tree in the Christmas Tree Festival at St. Thomas' Church, Lymington this December. Our regular monthly indoor meetings from Autumn to Spring are held in the Church hall. Thanks to the creative efforts of a team the Society's members it is an amazing tree ingeniously decorated with natural baubles.

Our tree #33 

The decorations close-up 

The trees are on display until 6th December.

Photos © Richard Coomber 

Walk report: 28 November 2022 Keyhaven Marshes with Chris Robinson

 It didn’t bode well! We sheltered in our cars as rain pelted down just before we were due to start off, but RS has a really clever App on his phone that makes the rain stop (actually a Radar tracker). The sun came out (sort of) and it then didn’t rain again for the whole walk.

From the car park, ten minutes late leaving, we had brief distant views of Marsh Harriers. From the sea wall we saw that there were a lot of Curlew, presumably they had just come in, but even so pairs were ‘pairing’ as though it was Spring. One pair neatly posed to show off that the female has a longer bill than the male (see below). A Raven was spotted sitting on a fence post and out to sea, on a small spit of land were some Eiders and a couple of Avocets.

Curlew - male and female © Chris Robinson

Raven © Richard Smith

On Keyhaven Lagoon there were all the usual winter ducks, and some behaviour I hadn’t seen before as Shovelers were diving to feed. I really didn’t know that they did that, I assumed at first that they were cleaning themselves but some were coming up with ‘food’ in their beaks. You live and learn!

Shoveler - drake © Richard Smith

Pintail © Chris Robinson

 On Fishtail, with very a high water level, there were Tufted Ducks as well as a solitary Snipe but only two Black-tailed Godwits amongst a flock of about 20 Oystercatchers. On the seaward side, with the tide coming in, there were plenty of Dunlin, Pintails and Brent geese.

There were quite a few LBJs, both Rock and Meadow Pipits, Goldfinches, Linnets, Reed Buntings and we were serenaded by a Cetti’s warbler.

Rock Pipit © Chris Robinson

Reed Bunting © Chris Robinson

Walk report: 17 November 2022 Wilverley with Julia Race & Andrea Janssens

We parked in sunshine overlooking Wilverley Plain, and Pied Wagtail, Redwing, Mistle Thrush, Starling and Magpie were seen on the lawn before we entered the enclosure at the north-western end of the car park by the “Wilverley Wander” signpost.

Pied Wagtail -  female © Chris Robinson

Proceeding ahead on the main path, we soon diverted right to examine fungi: Yellow Stagshorn, Hairy Curtain Crust andMyceana sp. were seen on fallen branches, Birch Polypore on a nearby tree and Small Stagshorn and Purple Jellydisc on a rotting stump. A Larch tree was distorted by a huge ball of vegetation high in the canopy, thought to be caused by a fungal infection. A log to the left of the main track nurtured further fungi including: Candlesnuff Fungus, Turkeytail and King Alfred’s Cakes.

Distorted Larch © Julia Race


We turned right by a green metal enclosure sign, then almost immediately left on a path heading into the woods past carpets of moss and Porcelain Fungi. Fallen twigs were rich in well-developed lichen including Usnea sp., Parmotrema sp. and Cladonia sp. Mycelium of a white rot fungus was examined on a fallen tree, while Song Thrush and Wren were seen in the trees.


Ferns seen included Male and Hard Ferns, then we studied Wood Sorrel and more Yellow Staghorn, before bearing left for a short distance on the main track, then taking the next right turn to leave the enclosure through a gate into the sunshine. Walking ahead, then bearing right onto a path we passed Cross-leaved Heath in flower before walking under the Burley Road bridge.

Male Fern © Julia Race

Wellingtons were advised for this section down to the Avon Water, as a stream was overflowing across the firm gravel path. Walking past a reed bed, Bog Myrtle, Water Mint, Marsh St. John’s Wort and Bog Bean were growing. We paused by the Avon Water to enjoy the peaceful, sunny scene, before retracing our steps back to the enclosure, stopping for refreshments in the sun on the way. A Coral Brittlegill was seen on the lawn just outside the enclosure.


  Avon Water - ford © Julia Race   

The refreshment stop just outside Wilverley © Julia Race

Re-tracing our steps through the gate, up the gravel track, and turning right at the first junction, we climbed steadily on a wide sunny gravel track, with Blackberries in fruit, where a Red Admiral, a Green Woodpecker and a Wren were seen. The route was lined with ferns including Hard Shield Fern. Hairy Curtain Crust and Honey Fungus clumps were seen on fallen trees.

The Sickener Russula emetica © Julia Race

We turned left on the gravel track, observing resin seeping from the bark of several trees, leaving white stains down the trunks. A Splitgill was studied on a fallen tree. At the green metal enclosure sign, we turned right to re-trace our steps back to the car park past figwort plants: On route we studied a large group of Common Inkcaps at different stages of growth and decay. Goldcrest, Blue and Coal Tits and Robin were spotted and a Nuthatch heard. J & A 


Common Inkcap © Chris Robinson

Our route

 © Crown copyright 2022 Ordnance Survey. Media 005/22.
The licence is valid until 31 December 2022