Small Copper
Richard Coomber
On a very warm day, 17 members joined Sue
and Geoff for a first Lymnats visit to Dibden Inclosure. The sunshine was
beginning to bring out the insects and as we walked from the car park down the
ride towards Dibden Bottom, Gatekeepers were seen in abundance along with
Meadow Brown, and specimens of Common Blue and Holly Blue were also spotted.
Other butterflies seen on the walk included Small Heath, Brimstone, Small
Copper, Large Skipper and Silver-washed Fritillary. We also saw the first signs
of all 3 varieties of heather coming into flower.
Along the level part of Dibden Bottom, we
saw more dragon- and damselflies and those identified included Emperor,
Golden-ringed, Broad-bodied Chaser and Keeled Skimmer. Stonechats were “chipping”
away atop the gorse. A Solitary Bee was identified near several bee holes in
the sandy soil.
Cut-leaved Bramble Rubus laciniatus
Richard Coomber |
Our hilltop refreshment stop afforded wide
open views across to Lyndhurst and Roe Deer were spotted feeding in the shade
of a clump of Silver Birch on the heathland below us. A Raven circled overhead
briefly before flying east over the woodland of the inclosure. Other birds
spotted during the morning were Wren, Siskin, Goldfinch and, of course, our
friendly Robins both adult and juvenile.
Through the Noads woodland, Rowan
trees were heavy with berries and elsewhere other plant highlights seen were Round-leaved
Sundew, Royal Fern, Cut-leaved Bramble Rubus laciniatus (a non-native perhaps sown via bird
droppings) and the lichen Parmelia caperata.
Unfortunately, the return walk along the
other side of the woodland was notable for its absence of interesting natural
sightings but the sunshine provided a good view of the tumuli near the Beaulieu
Road. S&GN